February Wrap Up

by - February 28, 2019

This month was kind of good for me. I didn't read everything I wanted to, but I'm still happy with the books I read. I didn't have many exceptional reads, except for Trazos and my reread of Harry Potter. The rest was just okay. Here I bring the books I finished in February, the books I'm currently reading and my TBR for March. Links to Goodreads by clicking on the title of the book. 
This month I read a total of six books, three novels, one graphic novel, one manga and one book of poetry.
The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide (★★): This book wasn't a great read for me, mostly because I felt that nothing was happening. It just describes the relation of the owners with their cat and their daily lives. And that is it, nothing really happens in this book. I just felt it wasn't for me.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling (★★★★): You can see my review for this book here. This was my first time reading the book in English, and I think  I loved it more than when I read it in Spanish. It is always good to come back to Hogwarts.
To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han (★★): You can see my full review here. I listened to this on audible, and although I liked it, I think I would have enjoyed a lot more if I was in high school. I just didn't understand some of the actions of Lara Jean and found her a bit immature. Anyway, this was a good read.
Trazos by Fernanda Frick (★★★★): You can read my review of this book here. I have no words to express how much I loved this graphic novel. It was just amazing, and I recommend everyone who understands Spanish to read it. This was absolutely my best read of the month.
Death Note Black Edition: Vol.1 by Tsugumi Ohba (★★★★): I really liked this manga, because I loved the anime. Nonetheless, I don't think I'll read the other volumes because it is too similar to the anime. It is great though if you are a hardcore fan of Death Note!
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (★★): You can read my full review here. I didn't really like this book, which is really sad because I was looking forward to enjoying it. I'll probably read something else by this author in the future anyway, mostly because I have to take a course on poetry!


Turtles All the Way Down by John Green (3%): I just loved this book when I read it for the first time. I listened to some parts and read others, but this time I'm only listening to it because the narration is great, and it really adds something to the story.
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas (66%): I can't believe I have been reading this for the whole month, and I'm still not close to finishing it. The thing is, I find that this book is slower than the others, and I have to force myself to keep reading it in some parts. I hope it gets better in the end.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (19%): This book is utterly disgusting. But is so well written, I really want to keep reading it. It does really give some insight into the mind of a pedophile (which is what makes it so disgusting).

Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi: I bought this with my February credit from Audible so I will be listening to this while I knit, or while I cook. This book has been recommended to me a lot recently, so I plan to start it soon.
You by Caroline Kepnes: This was in my TBR for February, but I didn't even had the chance to start it. I will definitely read it this month though.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: So many people were saying this book was so good after the last book by Sally Thorne came out, I had to check it! I can't resist the hype. 

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  1. Harry Potter is always a nostaglic read for me and I still adore it 😍💜! You definitely ploughed through some books this month!

  2. Harry Potter is awesome! I need to find the time to read through the entire series. :)

  3. Trazos sounds good! I will check it out!
    I hope you'll enjoy The Hating Game, it's my favourite comfort read.

  4. I love cats, so I think I'd enjoy the first one.
    I' m following you. May you follow me back?
