Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

by - February 03, 2019

This review is based on my re-read of the first book of the Harry Potter series. This is (I think) my third or fourth re-read of the book, but this is the first time I have read the book in English. 

One of the things that amazed me right from the start was how Hagrid speaks. For example, here is one of the lines he says in the chapter The Keeper of the Keys;
"It's them as should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't gettin' yer letters but I never thought yeh wouldn't even know abou' Hogwarts, fer cryin' out loud! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learnt it all?"
For the ones of you who read the book for the first time in English, this might not seem surprising. But for me, which my first time reading the books was in Spanish, I found it very curious. The thing is, in Spanish, Hagrid talks like any other person in the book, that is to say, how it is properly talked. I wonder why they decided to translate it like that, and not adapt it so that the essence of Hagrid wasn't lost. With this re-read, I think I encountered myself with a new aspect of Hagrid's personality.

As with every re-read, I noticed more details about the story, that will come to play a role in the next books. I even had forgotten some scenes, because my last re-read was several years ago. It was nice to encounter characters again, for example, Peeves, who sadly does not appear in the movies.

For the ones of you who haven't read Harry Potter, this book is about a boy who discovers he is a wizard and goes to Hogwarts to learn magic. It is a must-read if you like fantasy. One of the things that have been highlighted about this series, is the extensive world J.K. Rowling built. It has many details, many characters and a story you will definitely love.

I think I will never grow too old to not give this book five stars.

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