January Wrap Up

by - January 31, 2019

This January I read a total of five books, pretty good considering my goal for 2019 is twenty-five books. Most books where just ok reads, I don't think any book I read this month will make the cut for my favorites of the year, but we'll see. Links to Goodreads clicking on the title of the book.
Fallen by Lauren Kate (★★★): I had read this book in the past but at the time I didn't know it was a series and didn't read the rest of it. I wanted to continue the series but I didn't remember literally anything from this book. So I had to re-read it. I think the first time I gave it four stars, but this time it didn't convince me that much, so I gave it only three. It is ok and a fun read, but nothing outstanding.
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (★★★): You can read my full review of this book here. As I said, Truly Devious is very introductory and I didn't enjoy it for the most part, because I found it more slow-paced than what I expected. Anyway, the ending is great and it did surprise me. I'll probably be reading the second book soon.
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf (★★★★): You can read my favorite quotes of this book here. I really liked this book, it has some great insights into what was to be a female writer in the time of Woolf. I didn't give it five stars because I thought there was too much rambling in some parts like she was not making a point, she was just talking. Overall a great non-fiction book. 
To make monsters out of girls by Amanda Lovelace (★★★★): You can read my review of this book here. This is the third book of Lovelace that I read and is one of my favorites. I highlighted about a third of the poems, and that just shows how much I liked this book.
Blind Prophet by Joseph Cillo Jr. (★★★): This is a comic book that is pretty short. I read it because it was free and I wanted to test how comics worked on my new Kindle Oasis. It was ok, a fun read, but I don't think I will be reading the next issues. 
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (24%): This is the most famous poetry book by Whitman. I got excited about poetry with Lovelace, and now I'm reading this to read a classic of poetry. So far I'm liking it, although there are lots of words that I don't know. Luckily Kindles have dictionaries!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K.Rowling (38%): This is a re-read of the book, and my first time reading it in English. It is always fun to come back to Hogwarts.
Death Note Vol. 1 (10%): I'm reading this because I loved the anime. The art is beautiful, but so far is almost exactly the same as the anime, so that is not so fun. 
To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han (19%): I wanted to read this book since I was the Netflix movie. I'm currently listening to it on Audible, and the narration is great. I'm finding the book a bit boring though, mostly because I expected something else.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov: I wanted to read this book since I was in high school, but I never came around to it. Now that I bought this beautiful copy, I definitely have to read it. 
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas: I read and loved the first to books and I can't wait to read ACOFAS, but I haven't been able to go past the first few chapters. I know that when I get the hang of it I won't be able to put it down. 
You by Caroline Kepnes: I bought this mainly because I wanted to watch the Netflix series, but of course, I have to read the book first. So here we are.

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  1. ¡Buenas! A pesar de que tu blog esté en inglés, espero que no te importe que te responda en español, sé que sabes español porque pasaste por mi blog. Prefiero escribir en español porque no quiero cometer errores. Leí Oscuros yo también hace muchos tiempo, no continué la saga y también recuerdo que me gustó pero no tanto, había cosas que no me convencían y también me gustaría releerlo para recordar y ver si quiero seguir con la saga o no. EL resto de los que has leído no los conocía. De los que estás leyendo también estoy leyendo Harry e igual que tu estoy intentando releerlo inglés y no me está yendo mal aunque me tomo mi tiempo porque es el primer libro que leo en inglés, también lo intenté con To all the Boys I've loved before pero me rendí. Pero con Harry voy bien, Death Note le tengo curiosidad pero tengo miedo de que no sea para mi, tampoco he visto el anime porque prefiero leer antes el manga. To All the Boys I've loved para mi está siendo relectura, porque me gustó bastante y creo que lo mejor del libro son los personajes, así que espero que luego lo disfrutes más. También tengo pendiente de leer el de Sarah pero le tengo algo de miedo porque el segundo me provocó un parón lector a principios de años y no me terminó de convencer, y You le tengo curiosidad a la serie, pero no sé si leer el libro o no. Tampoco sé si está en español.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Con Death Note, igual podrias pobrar con el primer manga no mas a ver si te gusta, la historia empieza fuerte desde el principio. Voy a continuar con All the Boys I've loved before, ojalá me guste tanto como a ti.
      ¡Un beso!
