What I've added to my TBR

by - February 14, 2019

Recently I've added several books to my TBR, I bought some, but most of them I exchanged for books I did no longer want. Here are the books I recently acquired. Link to Goodreads by clicking on the book title.

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes: I didn't plan to acquire this book, but someone recommended to me while I was exchanging some books, and I brought it home. I don't really know what it is about, except that it is fantasy. I hope that the stranger that recommended it to me is right!
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien: I also exchanged this book since I've been wanting to read it for so long. I think I started reading The Hobbit years ago, but I don't really remember anything about it (actually I'm not even sure if I even started it). I hope I can read and love this book soon.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: I wanted to read this for some time now, so I was really excited when I found it available for exchange. I think I will try to read this next month, but I don't promise anything.
The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide: I had seen this book on some bookstagrams, so I picked it up when I saw it was available for exchange. I am currently reading it and I am liking it so far.
Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern: I wanted to read this author for a while now, so I picked up this book without knowing what it was really about. I liked the cover though!
Snow Flower and The Secret Fan by Lisa See: I picked this book because the cover was pretty. I read the synopsis when I got home, and it sounds actually really good, so I hope I like it. 
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima: I found this book very cheap on my local bookstore, so I bought it. I also had seen it in someone's blog as one of their favorite series, sadly I don't remember whose blog it was.
Fausto by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: I wanted to read this book since I saw the 1926 movie (which is amazing). This edition is both in Spanish and German, so I think I will take some time to read it.
Dubliners by James Joice: My aunt recommended this book to me after she read it and traveled to Dublin. I found it so cheap at my bookstore that I had to buy it.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum: I also found this book very cheap, and I bought it because I want to read this before I read Dorothy Must Die, which sounds really good.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: Sally Thorne recently published a new book, and everyone was saying how reading that book made them want to reread The Hating Game again. So I thought it had to be good. Plus I will always enjoy a contemporary romance. 

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